首页» 删除栏目» 作物种质资源中心子站» 科研成果» 发表论文» 2015
- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1First report of Jujube leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata in ChinaBai J Y, Guo Q Y, Wang X M, Duan C XPlant Disease
- 2Effects of silicon on seed setting rate of rice intersubspecific hybridsLi W C, Zhang L, Wang J, Wang D, Wang T X, Duan C XGenetics and Molecular Research
- 3Ion beam transformation with corn DNA alters proteinase expression in rice seedling roots.Li WC, Ji SD, Wang XC, Li ZK, Zhang HC, Tian CZ, Liu YL, Duan CXGenetics and Molecular Research
- 4Two genes conferring ressitance to Pythium stalk rot in maize inbred line Qi319Song F, Xiao M, Duan C, Li H, Zhu Z, Liu B, Sun S, Wu X, Wang XMolecular Genetics and Genomics
- 5Resistance to powdery mildew in the pea cultivar ‘Xucai 1’ is conferred by er1 geneSuli Sun, Zhongyi Wang, Haining Fu, Canxing Duan, Xiaoming Wang, Zhendong ZhuThe Crop Journal
- 6Stem rot on adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 HGI in ChinaSuli Sun, Changjian Xia, Jiqing Zhang, Canxing Duan, Xiaoming Wang, Xiaofei Wu, Suk-Ha Lee, Zhendong ZhuPlant Pathology Journal
- 7大豆胞囊线虫主效抗病基因Rhg4 (GmSHMT)的CAPS/dCAPS 标记开发和利用李英慧作物学报,
- 8Targeted association mapping demonstrating the complex molecular genetics of fatty acid formation in soybean李英慧BMC Genomics
- 9不同时期收集农家保护云南水稻地方品种的表型多样性比较李金梅,崔迪,汤翠凤,阿新祥,余滕琼,马小定,张恩来,刘昌文,徐福荣,戴陆园,韩龙植植物遗传资源学报
- 10Identification of QTLs associated with salt or alkaline tolerance at the seedling stage in rice under salt or alkaline stressLiang JL, Qu YP, Yang CQ, Ma XD, Cao GL, Zhao ZW, Zhang SY, Zhang T, Han LZEuphytica