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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1Insect Pollinators in CGMS Hybrid Seed Production of Cajanus cajanLI Zheng-Hong, LIANG Ning, MA Hong, Kul Bhushan SAXENA, YANG Tao, LIU Xiu-Xian and ZONG Xu-Xiao*Acta Agronomica Sinica
- 2Impact of Molecular Technologies on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Breeding StrategiesAnnathurai Gnanasambandam, Jeff Paull, Ana Torres, Sukhjiwan Kaur, Tony Leonforte, Haobing Li, Xuxiao Zong, Tao Yang and Michael Materne*Agronomy
- 3Development of 161 novel EST-SSR markers from Lathyrus sativus (fabaceae)Xue-lian Sun, Tao Yang, Jian-Ping Guan, Yu Ma, Jun-ye Jiang, Rui Cao, Marina Burlyyaeva, Margarita Vishnyakova, Elena Semenova, Sergey Bulyntsev, and Xu-xiao Zong*American Journal of Botany
- 4Establishment of the integrated applied core collection and its comparison with mini core collection in soybean (Glycine max)郭勇The Crop Journal
- 5基于分子和表型性状的大豆骨干品种遗传多样性分析华北农学报
- 61983~2010年北京大豆育成品种的亲本地理来源及其遗传贡献刘章雄大豆科学
- 7"大豆品种中黄55不同复叶的小叶组成及其分布特点 "刘章雄 植物遗传资源学报
- 81983—2010年北京市大豆育成品种的亲缘关系分析刘章雄作物学报
- 9Assessment of Genetic Relationship of Foxtail Millet with Its Wild Ancestor and Close Relatives by ISSR MarkersLi W, Zhi H, Wang Y F, Li H Q, Diao X MJournal of Integrative Agriculture
- 10谷子干草饲用品质性质变异及相关性分析 智慧,牛振刚,贾冠清,柴杨,李伟,王永芳,李海权,陆平,白素兰,刁现民作物学报