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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1RNA-Seq Analysis Provides the First Insights into the Phylogenetic Relationship and Interspecific Variation between Agropyron cristatum and Wheat. Frontiers in Plant ScienceShenghui Zhou, Baiqiang Yan, Fei Li, Jinpeng Zhang, Jing Zhang, Huihui Ma, Weihua Liu, Yuqing Lu, Xinming Yang, Xiuquan Li, Xu Liu* and Lihui Li*Frontiers in Plant Science
- 2Construction of Agropyron Gaertn. genetic linkage maps using a wheat 660K SNP array reveals a homoeologous relationship with the wheat genomeShenghui Zhou#, Jinpeng Zhang#, Yonghe Che, Weihua Liu, Yuqing Lu, Xinming Yang, Xiuquan Li, Jizeng Jia, Xu Liu*, Lihui Li*Plant Biotechnology Journal
- 3Comparative Analysis of Four Buckwheat Species Base on Morphology and Complete Chloroplast Genome SequencesScientific Reports
- 4Interkingdom signaling in plant–microbe interactionsJinhong Kan, Rongxiang Fang, Yantao JiaSCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences
- 5Food legume production in ChinaLing Li, Tao Yang, Rong Liu, Bob Redden, Fouad Maalouf, Xuxiao Zong*The Crop Journal
- 6中国北部藜麦品质性状的多样性和相关性分析胡一波,杨修仕,陆 平*,任贵兴* 作物学报
- 760 份国内外藜麦材料子粒的品质性状分析石振兴#,杨修仕#,么 杨,任贵兴*植物遗传资源学报
- 8GmDREB1 overexpression affects the expression of microRNAs in GM wheat seedsQiyan Jiang, Xianjun Sun, Fengjuan Niu, Zheng Hu, Rui Chen, Hui ZhangPLOS ONE
- 9iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis of wheat roots in response to salt stressQiyan Jiang, Xiaojuan Li, Fengjuan Niu, Xianjun Sun, Zheng Hu and Hui ZhangProteomics
- 10玉米种质资源抗南方锈病鉴定江凯,杜青,秦子惠,陈茂功,李石初,孙素丽,武小菲,郭云燕,石云素,林小虎,王晓鸣植物遗传资源学报