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- 1Fine mapping and identification of a novel locus qGL12.2 controls grain length in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.)Qi Lan, Qiao Weihua, Yang QingwenTheoretical and Applied Genetics
- 2Salt and drought stress and ABA responses related to bZIP genes from V.radiata and V. angularisWang LanfenGene
- 3Genome-wide association mapping of QTL underlying seed oil and protein contents of a diverse panel of soybean accessionsLi Yinghui, Qiu LijuanPlant Science
- 4Next‑generation sequencing to identify candidate genes and develop diagnostic markers for a novel Phytophthora resistance gene, RpsHC18, in soybeanZhu ZhendongTheoretical and Applied Genetics