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Two genes conferring ressitance to Pythium stalk rot in maize inbred line Qi319
作者:Song F, Xiao M, Duan C, Li H, Zhu Z, Liu B, Sun S, Wu X, Wang X
刊物名称:Molecular Genetics and Genomics
卷:290 期:4 页码:1543-1549
Stalk rots are destructive diseases in maize around the world, and are most often caused by the pathogen Pythium, Fusarium and other fungi. The most efficient management for controlling stalk rots is to breed resistant cultivars. Pythium stalk rot can cause serious yield loss on maize, and to find the resistance genes from the existing germplasm is the basis to develop Pythium-resistance hybrid lines. In this study, we investigated the genetic resistance to Pythium stalk rot in inbred line Qi319 using F2 and F2:3 population, and found that the resistance to Pythium inflatum in Qi319 was conferred by two independently inherited dominant genes, RpiQI319-1 and RpiQI319-2. Linkage analysis uncov