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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1Reduced mitochondrial and ascorbate-glutathione activity after artificial ageing in soybean seedXin X, Tian Q, Yin GK, Chen XL, Zhang JM, Sophia Ng, Lu XXJournal of Plant Physiology
- 2Ecogeographic analysis of pea collection sites from China to determine potential sites with abiotic stressesLing Li, Robert J. Redden, Xuxiao Zong, J. D. Berger, Sarita Jane BennettGenet Resour Crop Evol
- 3Genetic linkage map of Chinese native variety faba bean (Vicia faba L.) based on simple sequence repeat markers16. Yu Ma, Shi-ying Bao, Tao Yang, Jin-guo Hu, Jian-ping Guan, Yu-hua He, Xue-jun Wang, Yu-ling Wan, Xue-lian Sun, Jun-ye Jiang, Cui-xiang Gong and Xu-xiao Zong*Plant Breeding
- 4"QTLs for resistance to Phomopsis seed decay are associated with days to maturity in soybean (Glycine max)"Suli Sun, Moon Young Kim, Kyujung Van, Yin-Won Lee, Baodu Li, Suk-Ha LeeTheoretical and Applied Genetics
- 5"Genetic characterization and fine mapping of the novel Phytophthora resistance gene in a Chinese soybean cultivar"Jiqing Zhang, Changjian Xia, Xiaoming Wang, Canxing Duan, Suli Sun, Xiaofei Wu, Zhendong ZhuTheoretical and Applied Genetics
- 6Identification and candidate gene analysis of a novel Phytophthora resistance gene Rps10 in a Chinese soybean cultivarJiqing Zhang, Changjian Xia, Canxing Duan, Suli Sun, Xiaoming Wang, Xiaofei Wu, Zhendong ZhuPLoS ONE
- 7Gene-based high-density mapping of rym7 (rmm7) conferring resistance to Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV)Ping Yang, Dragan Perovic, Antje Habekuß, Rounan Zhou, Andreas Graner, Frank Ordon, Nils SteinMolecular Breeding
- 8优良品系中品03-5373系谱的遗传解析及抗大豆胞囊线虫病相关标记鉴定李英慧作物学报
- 9Analysis of average standardized SSR allele size supports domestication of soybean along the Yellow River李英慧Genet Resour Crop Ev
- 10Molecular footprints of domestication and improvement in soybean revealed by whole genome re-sequencing李英慧BMC Genomics