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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1豌豆抗白粉病资源筛选及分子鉴定王仲怡,包世英,段灿星, 宗绪晓,朱振东作物学报
- 2Cryopreservation in vitro-grown shoot tips of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. by droplet vitrification methodZhang JM, Chen XL, LuXX, Xin X, Yin GKThe 3nd International Symposium on Plant Cryopreservation
- 3Analyses of a Glycine max Degradome Library Identify microRNA Targets and MicroRNAs that Trigger Secondary SiRNA BiogenesisZheng Hu1, Qiyan Jiang1, Zhiyong Ni1, Rui Chen2, Shuo Xu1 and Hui ZhangJournal of Integrative Plant Biology
- 4In vitro conservation and cryopreservation in National Crop Genebank of ChinaChen XL, Zhang JM, LuXX, Xin X, Yin GKThe 2nd International Symposium on Plant Cryopreservation
- 5老化处理对水稻种子抗氧化系统影响的研究卢新雄, 尹广鹍第二届全国种子科学与技术学术研讨会论文摘要
- 6植物种质资源超低温保存现状及其研究进展陈晓玲, 张金梅, 辛霞, 黄斌, 卢新雄植物遗传资源学报
- 7Prediction and identification of natural antisense transcripts and their small RNAs in soybean (Glycine max)Hu Zheng, Jiang Qiyan, Ni Zhiyong and Zhang HuiBMC Genomics
- 8小麦种子在不同保存条件下的生活力丧失特性研究辛霞, 陈晓玲, 张金梅, 卢新雄植物遗传资源学报
- 9A real-time, non-invasive, micro-optrode technique for detecting seed viability by using oxygen influxXin X, Wan YL, Wang WJ, Yin GK, McLamore ES, Lu XX.Scientific Reports
- 10GmNFYA3, a target gene of miR169, is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to drought stressZhiyong Ni,Zheng Hu,Qiyan Jiang, Hui ZhangPlant Mol Biol