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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1Genome-wide association implicates candidate genes conferring resistance to maize rough dwarf disease in maizeGengshen Chen, Xiaoming Wang, Junjie Hao, Jianbin Yan, Junqiang DingPLoS ONE
- 2Differentially expressed genes in resistant and susceptible common bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes in response to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoliXue R, Wu J, Zhu Z, Wang L, Wang X, Wang S,Blair M W.PLoS ONE
- 3 Comprehensive mitochondrial metabolic shift during the critical node of seed ageing in riceYin G, Xin X, Chen X, Zhang J, He J, Lu XSeed Longevity Workshop of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)
- 4 Optimizing seed moisture content based on the risk of power outages at genebanks: A fifteen year study from ChinaXin X, Chen X, Yin G, Zhang J, He J, Walters C, Lu XSeed Longevity Workshop of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS).
- 5两种大豆同名品种鉴别方法的对比研究.赵婧, 何娟娟, 辛霞, 卢新雄*, 周延林*.大豆科学
- 6基于基因组学的作物种质资源研究:现状与展望黎裕, 李英慧, 杨庆文, 张锦鹏, 张金梅, 邱丽娟, 王天宇中国农业科学
- 7马铃薯茎尖超低温保存流程TTC活力响应张海晶*, 张金梅*, 辛霞, 尹广鹍, 何娟娟, 卢新雄, 周元昌*, 陈晓玲*.植物遗传资源学报
- 8Decreasing electron flux through the cytochrome and/or alternative respiratory pathways triggers common and distinct cellular responses dependent on growth conditionsKühn K1, Yin GK1, Duncan O, Law SR, Kubiszewski-Jakubiak S, Kaur P, Meyer E, Wang Y, Colas des Francs Small C, Giraud E, Narsai R, Whelan J.Plant Physiology
- 9Identification of a highly successful cryopreservation method (droplet-vitrification) for petuniaZhang JM, Huang B, Zhang XN, Volk GM, Zhou YC, Chen XL In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology
- 10Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Chinese medicinal plant Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. using aderoplet-vitrification methodZhang JM, Huang B, Lu XX, Volk GM, Xin X, Yin GK, He JJ, Chen XL*.CryoLetters