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Genome-wide association implicates candidate genes conferring resistance to maize rough dwarf disease in maize
作者:Gengshen Chen, Xiaoming Wang, Junjie Hao, Jianbin Yan, Junqiang Ding
刊物名称:PLoS ONE
卷:10 期:11 页码:e0142001
Maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD) is a destructive viral disease in China, which results in 20–30% of the maize yield losses in affected areas and even as high as 100% in severely infected fields. Understanding the genetic basis of resistance will provide important insights for maize breeding program. In this study, a diverse maize population comprising of 527 inbred lines was evaluated in four environments and a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was undertaken with over 556000 SNP markers. Fifteen candidate genes associated with MRDD resistance were identified, including ten genes with annotated protein encoding functions. The homologous of nine candidate genes were predicted to relate to