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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1不同大豆基因型对农杆菌敏感性研究及优异种质筛选郭兵福植物遗传资源学报
- 2大豆炸荚发生规律及分子遗传基础韩德志遗传
- 3抗草甘膦转基因大豆对土壤酶活性及微生物数量的影响李相全大豆科学
- 4利用“微创刷”法获得抗草甘膦转基因大豆荣非大豆科学
- 5Functional marker development of miR1511-InDel and allelic diversity within the genus GlycineNang Myint Phyu Sin HtweBMC Genomics
- 6Targeted association mapping demonstrating the complex molecular genetics of fatty acid formation in soybean李英慧BMC Genomics
- 7Co-expression of G2-EPSPS and glyphosate acetyltransferase GAT genes conferring high tolerance to glyphosate in soybean郭兵福Frontiers in Plant Science
- 8Co-treatment with surfactant and sonication significantly improves Agrobacterium-mediated resistant bud formation and transient expression efficiency in soybean郭兵福Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- 9Evolution and association analysis of GmCYP78A10 gene with seed size/weight and pod number in soybean王晓波Mol Biol Rep
- 10Loci and candidate gene identification for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)via association and linkage maps赵雪The Plant Journal