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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1De Novo Assembly of the Common Bean Transcriptome Using Short Reads for the Discovery of Drought-Responsive GenesJing Wu, Lanfen Wang, Long Li, Shumin WangPlos One
- 2我国玉米穗腐病致病镰孢种群及禾谷镰孢复合种的鉴定秦子惠,任旭,江凯,武小菲,杨知还,王晓鸣植物保护学报
- 3灰葡萄孢蚕豆分离物的遗传多样性黄燕,朱振东,段灿星,武小菲,东方阳中国农业科学
- 4Induced defense responses in rice plants against small brown planthopper infestationDuan C, Yu J, Bai J, Zhu Z, Wang XThe Crop Journal
- 5Evaluation of maize inbred lines currently used in Chinese breeding programs for resistance to six foliar diseasesXiaoming Wang, Yunhua Zhang, Xiude Xu, Hongjie Li, Xiaofei Wu, Shihuang Zhang, Xinhai LiThe Crop Journal
- 6"Proteomics identification of differentially expressed Leaf proteins in response to Setosphaeria turcica infection in resistant maize"Zhang Xiao-li, Si Bing-wen, Fan Cheng-ming, Li Hong-jie and Wang Xiao-mingJournal of Integrative Agriculture
- 7Resistance of faba bean and pea germplasm to Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its relationship with quality componentsDuan C X,Zhu Z D, Ren G X,Wang, X M,Li D D. Journal of Economic Entomology
- 8Characterization of Phytophthora resistance in soybean cultivars/lines bred in Henan provinceZhang J, Sun S, Wang G, Duan C, Wang X, Wu X, Zhu ZEuphytica
- 9Rapid development of microsatellite markers for Callosobruchus chinensis using Illumina paired-end sequencingDuan C X, Li D D, Sun S L, Wang X M, Zhu Z DPLoS ONE
- 10Overexpression of GmDREB1 improves salt tolerance in transgenic wheat and leaf protein response to high salinityQiyan Jiang, Zheng Hu, Hui Zhang., Youzhi MaThe Crop Journal