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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1Analysis of bymovirus resistance genes on proximal barley chromosome 4HL provides the basis for precision breeding for BaMMV/BaYMV resistancePing Yang, Antje Habekuß, Frank Ordon, Nils SteinTheoretical and Applied Genetics
- 2PROTEIN DISULFIDE ISOMERASE LIKE 5-1 is a susceptibility factor to plant virusesPing Yang, Thomas Lüpken, Antje Habekuß, Götz Hensel, Burkhard Steuernagel, Benjamin Kilian, Ruvini Ariyadasa, Axel Himmelbach, Jochen Kumlehn, Uwe Scholz, Frank Ordon, Nils SteinProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- 3Bi-parental re-sequencing coupled with SNP genotyping of a segregating population offers insights into the landscape of recombination and fixed genomic regions in elite soybean李英慧G3: Genes, Genom, Genet
- 4Development of InDel markers based on bi-parental re-sequencing for fine mapping seed weight in soybean李英慧Plant Genome
- 5De novo assembly of soybean wild relatives for pan-genome analysis of diversity and agronomic traits李英慧Nature Biotechnology
- 6Detecting SNPs underlying domestication-related traits in soybean李英慧BMC Plant Biology
- 7江西省早稻品种抽穗杨花期耐热性鉴定评价研究黎毛毛,廖家槐,张晓宁,马小定,杜慧,韩龙植植物遗传资源学报
- 8 Mapping and validation of a dominant salt tolerance gene in the cultivated soybean (Glycine max) variety Tiefeng 8Rongxia Guan, Jiangang Chen, Jinghan Jiang, Guangyu Liu, Ying Liu, Lei Tian, Lili Yu, Ruzhen Chang, Lijuan QiuCrop Journal
- 9Salinity tolerance in soybean is modulated by natural variation in GmSALT3Rongxia Guan, Yue Qu, Yong Guo, Lili Yu, Ying Liu, Jinghan Jiang, Jiangang Chen, Yulong Ren, Guangyu Liu, Lei Tian, Longguo Jin, Zhangxiong Liu, Huilong Hong, Ruzhen Chang, Matthew Gilliham, Lijuan QiuPlant Journal