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- 1A Soybean Acyl Carrier Protein, GmACP,Is Important for Root Nodule Symbiosis王军Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
- 2A Dominant Locus, qBSC-1, Controls β Subunit Content of Seed Storage Protein in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merri.)王军Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- 3Identification of active VQ motif-containing genes and the expression patterns under low nitrogen treatment in soybean王晓波Gene
- 4Biparental Resequencing Coupled With SNPGenotyping of a Segregating Population OffersInsights Into the Landscape of Recombinationand Fixed Genomic Regions in Elite Soybean李英慧G3:Genes-Genomes-Genetics
- 5Detecting SNPs underlying domestication-related traits in soybean李英慧BMC Plant Biology
- 6Initiation of Setaria as a model plantDiao Xianmin, Schnable J., Bennetzen J. L., Li JiayangFront. Agr. Sci. Eng
- 7Development and characterization of highly polymorphic SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers through genome-wide microsatellite variants analysis in Foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.]Zhang Shuo, Tang Chanjuan, Zhao Qiang, Li Jing, Yang Lifang, Qie Lufeng, Fan Xingke, Li Lin, Zhang Ning, Zhao Meicheng, Liu Xiaotong, Chai Yang, Zhang Xue, Wang Hailong, Li Yingtao, Li Wen, Zhi Hui, Jia Guanqing, Diao XianminBMC Genomics
- 8 Mapping of Quantitative Trait Locus (QTLs) that Contribute to Germination and Early Seedling Drought Tolerance in the Interspecific Cross Setaria italica × Setaria viridisQie Lufeng, Jia Guanqing, Zhang Wenying, Schnable James, Shang Zhonglin, Li Wei, Liu Binhui, Li Mingzhe, Chai Yang, Zhi Hui, Diao XianminPLoS ONE
- 9豫谷1 号和青狗尾草RIL 群体根系变异和垂直分布张文英,智 慧,柳斌辉,王雪征,庞昭进,李积铭,王广才,李明哲,王永芳,李 伟,李海权,贾冠清,刁现民作物学报
- 10豌豆种质资源抗绿豆象鉴定仲伟文,杨涛,段灿星,姜俊烨,王芳,杨晓明,宗绪晓作物杂志