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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1野生扁蓿豆种质资源AFLP 遗传多样性的分析李鸿雁, 李志勇, 辛霞, 卢新雄*, 黄帆, 李俊, 刘磊植物遗传资源学报
- 2玉米种子中4种可溶性糖含量UPLC-ELDS测定方法的优化及其应用李瑞芳, 何娟娟, 尹广鹍, 辛霞, 卢新雄植物遗传资源学报
- 3A new disease of mung bean caused by Botrytis cinereaLi Y, Sun S, Du C, Xu C, Zhang J, Duan C, Zhu, ZCrop Protection
- 4 8种粮食和蔬菜作物种子短期节能储藏研究何娟娟, 卢新雄, 栗钊, 辛霞*. 中国种业
- 5Cryopreservation of Petunia shoot tips using an droplet-vitrification methodZhang JM, Huang B, Chen XLReserch & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Science
- 6Occurrence of charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina, an emerging disease of adzuki bean in ChinaSun S, Wang X, Zhu Z, Wang B, Wang MJournal of Phytopathology
- 7Comprehensive mitochondrial metabolic shift during the critical node of seed ageing in riceYin GK, Whelan J, Wu SH, Zhou J, Chen BY, Chen X, Zhang JM, He JJ, Xin X*, Lu XX*. PLOS ONE
- 8Identification of pathogenic Fusarium spp. causing maize ear rot and potential mycotoxin production in ChinaCanxing Duan, Zihui Qin, Zhihuan Yang, Weixi Li, Suli Sun, Zhendong Zhu and Xiaoming Wang *Toxins
- 9Large-scale evaluation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) germplasm for cold tolerance in the field during winter in QingdaoXiaoyan Zhang#, Shuwei Wan#, Junjie Hao, Jinguo Hu, Tao Yang, Xuxiao Zong*The Crop Journal
- 10A novel er1 allele and the development and validation of its functional marker for breeding pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistance to powdery mildewSun S, Deng D, Wang Z, Duan C, Wu X, Wang X, Zong X, Zhu, ZTheoretical and Applied Genetics