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- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1谷子核心种质表型遗传多样性分析及综合评价王海岗,贾冠清,智 慧, 温琪汾,董俊丽,陈 凌, 王君杰,曹晓宁,刘思辰王 纶, 乔治军,刁现民作物学报
- 2Combined small RNA and degradome sequencing to identify miRNAs and their targets in response to drought in foxtail milletWang Yongqiang; Li Lin; Tang Sha; Liu Jianguang; Zhang Hanshuang; Zhi Hui; Jia Guanqing; Diao XianminBMC Genetics
- 3谷瘟病菌生理小种鉴别及谷子标准品种体系的构建李志江,贾冠清,李祥羽,李易初,马金丰,智慧,汤沙,张硕,柴杨,李艳东,刁现民中国农业科学
- 4The C-terminal motif of SiAGO1b is required for the regulation of growth, development and stress responses in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv)(1) Liu Xiaotong, Tang Sha, Jia Guanqing, Schnable James, Su Haixia, Tang Chanjuan, Zhi Hui, and Diao XianminJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY
- 5蚕豆抗绿豆象种质资源的鉴定张红岩,杨涛,关建平,杨生华,方俐,杜萌莹,宗绪晓作物杂志
- 6豌豆氮磷钾肥效研究李玲,杨涛,宗绪晓作物杂志
- 7RNA-seq analysis of unintended effects in transgenic wheat overexpressing the transcription factor GmDREB1Qiyan Jiang, Fengjuan Niu, Xianjun Sun, Zheng Hu, Xinhai Li, Youzhi Ma, Hui ZhangThe Crop Journal
- 8Stability of growth periods traits for soybean cultivars across multiple locations王晓波Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- 9Genetic diversity center of cultivated soybean (Glycine max) in China - New insight and evidence for the diversity center of Chinese cultivated soybeanJournal of Integrative Agriculture
- 10Dissecting the Genetic Basis of Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Combining Linkage and Association Mapping李英慧The plant genome