TaFT-D1 positively regulates grain weight by acting as a coactivator of TaFDL2 in wheat
Plant Biotechnology Journal; 2025; IF:10.1
DOI: 10.1111/pbi.70032
FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a multifunctional regulator in crops, modulates multiple key agronomic traits such as flowering time or heading date and plant height; however, its role in grain development regulation is unclear. Herein, through genome-wide association studies (GWAS), we identified TaFT-D1, which encodes a phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP), as a candidate gene for grain weight in wheat. A one-bp insertion/deletion (InDel) (G/-) in the third exon of TaFT-D1, resulting in different protein lengths, was significantly associated with grain weight. TaFT-D1 knockout via the CRISPR-Cas9 system reduced grain size and weight, and TaFT-D1 increased grain size by promoting cell proliferation and starch synthesis. Transcriptome analysis revealed a significant decrease in the expression of cell cycle- and starch synthesis-related genes, including TaNAC019-3A, TaSWEET15-like-7B, TaCYCD4;1 and TaCYCD3;2, in the taft-d1 knockout line. TaFT-D1 interacted with the bZIP transcription factor TaFDL2, and the tafdl2 mutant presented relatively small grains, suggesting that TaFDL2 is a positive regulator of grain size. Moreover, TaFDL2 bound to the promoters of downstream cell cycle- and starch synthesis-related genes, activating their expression, whereas TaFT-D1 increased this activation via TaFDL2. Interaction assays demonstrated that TaFT-D1, Ta14-3-3A and TaFDL2 formed a regulatory complex. Furthermore, the TaFT-D1(G) allele was significantly correlated with greater thousand-grain weight and earlier heading. This favourable allele has undergone strong positive selection during wheat breeding in China. Our findings provide novel insights into how TaFT-D1 regulates grain weight and highlight its potential application for yield improvement in wheat.