首页» 删除栏目» 作物种质资源中心子站» 科研成果» 发表论文» 2011
- 序号论文标题作者期刊名称
- 1The effect of accelerated aging on the energy supply of maize seedWang ZL, Song C, Zhao Y, Xin X, Lu XX2nd International Symposium on Integrative Plant Biology Abstract Book
- 2利用热稳定蛋白特异条带鉴别籼粳稻的方法研究付深造, 辛霞, 张志娥, 陈晓玲, 辛萍萍, 卢新雄植物遗传资源学报
- 3Effects of different conservation methods on the genetic stability of potato germplasmBai JM, Chen XL, Lu XX, Xin X, Zhang ZE, Liu XC, Sun BS, Zhang JM, Yin GK, Sui QJRussian Journal of Plant Physiology
- 4ryopreservation of in vitro-grown apical meristems of Lilium by droplet-vitrificationChen XL, Li JH, Xin X, Zhang ZE, Xin PP, Lu XX.South African Journal of Botany
- 5Proteome analysis of maize seeds: the effect of artificial ageingXin X, Lin XH, Zhou YC, Chen XL, Liu X, Lu XXPhysiologia Plantarum
- 6栽培大豆(G. max)和野生大豆(G. soja)的Glyma13g21630基因多样性李英慧作物学报
- 7Genetic diversity and association mapping in a collection of selected Chinese soybean accessions based on SSR marker analysis李英慧Conserv Genet
- 8粳稻种质资源的苗期耐碱性鉴定评价徐长营,杨春刚,郭桂珍,张俊国,曹桂兰,刘宪虎,张三元,韩龙植植物遗传资源学报
- 9水稻微核心种质氮素利用率相关性状的鉴定评价及其相关分析黎毛毛,万建林,黄永兰,曹桂兰,芦明,韩龙植植物遗传资源学报