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- 1 干种子高质量总RNA的快速提取方法胡群文, 陈晓玲, 张志娥, 辛霞, 卢新雄, 刘旭植物遗传资源学报
- 2The wheat (T. aestivum) sucrose synthase 2 gene (TaSus2) active in endosperm development is associated with yield traitsQiyan Jiang, Jian Hou, Chenyang Hao, Lanfen Wang, Hongmei Ge, Yushen Dong, Xueyong ZhangFunctional & Integrative Genomics
- 3Diversity analysis of the developed qingke (Hulless barley) cultivars representing different growing regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markersPing Yang, Xianjun Liu, Xinchun Liu, Wuyun Yang, Zongyun FengAfrican Journal of Biotechnology
- 4保存大豆种质遗传完整性的策略-基于 SSR 分子标记选择纯系李英慧中国农业科学
- 5Analysis of SSRs uncovers hierarchical structure and genetic diversity in Chinese soybean landraces李英慧 Integr Agr
- 6Development of soybean EST-SSR markers and their use to assess genetic diversity in the subgenus Soja李英慧J Integr Agr