- Fast integration and accumulation of beneficial breeding alleles through an AB-NAMIC strategy in whe...
- PKL is stabilized by MMS21 to negatively regulate Arabidopsis drought tolerance through directly rep...
- Genome-wide association studies identify OsWRKY53 as a key regulator of salt tolerance in rice
- GSK3 phosphorylates and regulates the Green Revolution protein Rht-B1b to reduce plant height in whe...
- PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH8 interacts with tetrapyrrole biosynthesis enzymes and ClpC1 to maintain homeos...
- The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor gene, OsbHLH38, plays a key role in controlling rice...
- Bacterium-enabled transient gene activation by artificial transcription factors for resolving gene r...
- Engineering a plant A-to-K base editor with improved performance by fusion with a transactivation mo...
- The long non-coding RNA PILNCR2 increases low phosphate tolerance in maize by interfering with miRNA...
- The domestication-associated L1 gene encodes a eucomic acid synthase pleiotropically modulating pod ...