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姓 名:刘伟华 性 别:女 职 称:正高级 联系电话:62176077 电子邮箱:liuweihua@caas.cn 个人网页: |
刘伟华,三级研究员,博士生导师。 1981-88年,哈尔滨师范大学 生物学本科,遗传学硕士;1997-2000年,东北农业大学 农学博士;1988-2002年,在哈尔滨师范大学任教,先后担任助教、讲师、副教授,教授;其间2000-02年,中国农业大学农业生物技术国家重点实验室 生物化学与分子生物学博士后;2002年6月至今在中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,任研究员。
- 1. RNA-Seq Analysis Provides the First Insights into the Phylogenetic Relationship and Interspecific Variation between Agropyron cristatum and Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science
- 2. Construction of Agropyron Gaertn. genetic linkage maps using a wheat 660K SNP array reveals a homoeologous relationship with the wheat genome
- 3. Mapping of novel powdery mildew resistance gene(s) from Agropyron cristatum chromosome 2P
- 4. Transferring Desirable Genes from Agropyron cristatum 7P Chromosome into Common Wheat
- 5. An intercalary translocation from Agropyron cristatum 6P chromosome into common wheat confers enhanced kernel number per spike
- 6. Physical mapping of Agropyron cristatum chromosome 6P using deletion lines in common wheat background
- 7. Genetic analysis of a novel broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance gene from the wheat-Agropyron cristatum introgression line Pubing 74
- 8. Production and Identification of Wheat- Agropyron cristatum 2P Translocation Lines