
姓 名:李英慧

性 别:

职 称:正高级





学习经历: 2000.09-2003.07,中国农业大学,果树学专业,博士学位 1991.09-1994.07,沈阳农业大学,果树学专业,硕士学位 1987.09-1991.07,沈阳农业大学,果树学专业,学士学位 工作经历: 2005.12至今,中国农科院作物科学研究所,副研究员/研究员 1994.07-2005.12,辽宁师范大学,助理研究员 2015.08-2015.10,美国爱荷华州立大学,客座研究员 2009.03-2009.06,美国加州大学尔湾分校,客座研究员 2003.07-2005.12,中国农科院作物科学研究所,博士后 2004.08-2005.02,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学国际植物研究所,客座研究 员(荷兰农业部奖学金)




在国际上首次建立了可代表野生大豆物种特点的野生大豆泛基因组,在全基因组水平上解析了驯化和遗传改良后大豆基因组的遗传变异及变异规律,发现系列驯化性状相关基因,研究成果发表在Nature Biotechnology;阐明了野生和栽培大豆的群体结构和多样性变化特点,证明了大豆群体分化与地理来源密切相关,栽培大豆起源黄河中下游;利用构建的全基因组SNP数据集开发系列SNP基因型鉴定芯片,鉴定出控制百粒重、株高、胞囊线虫病、蛋白和脂肪含量、脂肪酸组分、荚色等重要性状QTL位点/标记/单倍型,部分已用于辅助资源鉴定和分子标记辅助育种。发表论文98篇,以第一或通讯作者发表37篇论文中,其中20篇发表在Nature Biotechnology、New Phytologist(2)、Molecular Ecology等SCI源刊;参编专著4部;获得授权国家发明专利4项、申请10项;获得北京市科学技术一等奖(第15)和中国农业科学院杰出科技创新奖(第2)各1项


  • 1. 基于大豆胞囊线虫病抗性候选基因的SNP位点遗传变异分析
  • 2. 基于大豆胞囊线虫病抗性候选基因rhg1的InDel 标记开发与鉴定
  • 3. 保存大豆种质遗传完整性的策略-基于 SSR 分子标记选择纯系
  • 4. 栽培大豆(G. max)和野生大豆(G. soja)的Glyma13g21630基因多样性
  • 5. 优良品系中品03-5373系谱的遗传解析及抗大豆胞囊线虫病相关标记鉴定
  • 6. 大豆胞囊线虫主效抗病基因Rhg4 (GmSHMT)的CAPS/dCAPS 标记开发和利用
  • 7. Analysis of SSRs uncovers hierarchical structure and genetic diversity in Chinese soybean landraces
  • 8. Development of soybean EST-SSR markers and their use to assess genetic diversity in the subgenus Soja
  • 9. The identification of genetic variants associated with the apparent differences of growth period structures between domesticated and wild soybean
  • 10. Analysis of average standardized SSR allele size supports domestication of soybean along the Yellow River
  • 11. Genetic diversity and association mapping in a collection of selected Chinese soybean accessions based on SSR marker analysis
  • 12. Development of SNP markers and haplotype analysisof the candidate gene for rhg1, which confers resistance to soybean cyst nematode in soybean
  • 13. Bi-parental re-sequencing coupled with SNP genotyping of a segregating population offers insights into the landscape of recombination and fixed genomic regions in elite soybean
  • 14. Targeted association mapping demonstrating the complex molecular genetics of fatty acid formation in soybean
  • 15. Molecular footprints of domestication and improvement in soybean revealed by whole genome re-sequencing
  • 16. Dissecting the genetic basis of resistance to soybean cyst nematode combining linkage and association mapping
  • 17. Identification of quantitative trait loci underlying plant height and seed weight in soybean
  • 18. Development of InDel markers based on bi-parental re-sequencing for fine mapping seed weight in soybean
  • 19. Domestication footprints anchor genomic regions of agronomic importance in soybeans
  • 20. De novo assembly of soybean wild relatives for pan-genome analysis of diversity and agronomic traits
  • 21. Detecting SNPs underlying domestication-related traits in soybean