
姓 名:邱丽娟

性 别:

职 称:正高级








  • 1. DNA导入和系选大豆品种及其亲本遗传关系的SSR标记分析
  • 2. 保存大豆种质遗传完整性的策略:I细化表型分级标准精细整理大豆库存种质
  • 3. 大豆Harosoy 近等基因系低聚糖及其组分含量的变异分析
  • 4. 山西、贵州大豆地方种质农艺性状的比较分析
  • 5. 大豆[Glycine max(L.)]成熟期近等基因系导入片段分析
  • 6. 中品95-5117抗大豆花叶病毒基因源分析
  • 7. 外源抗草甘膦EPSPs 基因在大豆基因组中的整合与定位
  • 8. 保存大豆种质遗传完整性的策略--基于SSR分子标记选择纯系
  • 9. 中国栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.) Merr.)微核心种质的群体结构与遗传多样性
  • 10. 大豆遗传育种学家王金陵
  • 11. The Origin and History of Soybean
  • 12. Analysis of SSRs uncovers hierarchical structure and genetic diversity in Chinese soybean landraces
  • 13. Development of Soybean EST-SSR Markers and Their Use to Assess Genetic Diversity in the Subgenus Soja
  • 14. Identification and Functional Analysis on Abiotic Stress Response of Soybean Cl- Channel Gene GmclCnt
  • 15. Genetic diversity comparison between Chinese and Japanese soybeans(Glycine max(L.)
  • 16. Discovery and transmission of functional QTL in the pedigree of an elite soybean cultivar Suinong14
  • 17. Location and transmission of QTL for multiple traits in the pedigree of soybean cultivars
  • 18. Overexpression of soybean ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme gene GmUBC2 confers enhanced drought and salt tolerance through modulating abiotic stress-responsive gene expressin in Arabidopsis
  • 19. Genetic diversity in domesticated soybean(Glycine max)for simple sequence repeat
  • 20. Artificial selection for determinate growth habit in soybean
  • 21. 大豆转基因育种及产业化发展
  • 22. 栽培大豆和野生大豆的Glyma13g21630基因多样性分析
  • 23. 大豆不同器官Na+含量与苗期耐盐性的相关分析刘
  • 24. 接种大豆孢囊线虫4号生理小种诱导GmHs1pro-1基因的表达分析
  • 25. 大豆蛋白质含量QTL的“整合”及Overview分析
  • 26. 空间诱变后大豆对草甘膦的耐性研究
  • 27. 大豆基因组和转录组的核基因密码子使用偏好性分析
  • 28. 中国作物新基因发掘:现状、挑战与展望
  • 29. Soybean Omics and Biotechnology in China
  • 30. Evaluation and Utilization of Soybean Germplasm for Resistance to Cyst Nematode in China
  • 31. Genetic diversity and association mapping in a collection of selected Chinese soybean accessions based on SSR marker analysis
  • 32. The worldwide utilization of the Chinese soybean germplasm collection
  • 33. The worldwide utilization of the Chinese soybean germplasm collection
  • 34. Establishment of the integrated applied core collection and its comparison with mini core collection in soybean (Glycine max)
  • 35. 基于分子和表型性状的大豆骨干品种遗传多样性分析
  • 36. 1983~2010年北京大豆育成品种的亲本地理来源及其遗传贡献
  • 37. "大豆品种中黄55不同复叶的小叶组成及其分布特点 "
  • 38. 1983—2010年北京市大豆育成品种的亲缘关系分析
  • 39. 褐色种皮大豆与其黄色种皮衍生亲本的表型及基因型比较
  • 40. 大豆株高QTL的“整合”及Overview分析
  • 41. 优良品系中品03-5373系谱的遗传解析及抗大豆胞囊线虫病相关标记鉴定
  • 42. 大豆苗期耐盐性的简便鉴定方法
  • 43. 大豆全基因组分枝相关基因发掘及与QTL共定位
  • 44. 基于分子和表型性状的大豆骨干品种遗传多样性分析
  • 45. 1983-2010年北京大豆育成品种的亲本地理来源及其遗传贡献
  • 46. "大豆品种中黄55不同复叶的小叶组成及其分布特点 "
  • 47. 1983-2010年北京市大豆育成品种的亲缘关系分析
  • 48. Analysis of average standardized SSR allele size supports domestication of soybean along the Yellow River
  • 49. A platform for soybean molecular breeding:the utilization of core collections for food security
  • 50. Glyphosate effects on the gene expession of the apical bud in soybean (Glycine max)
  • 51. Molecular footprints of domestication and improvement in soybean revealed by whole geno me re-sequencing
  • 52. Genome-Wide Analysis of the Dof Transcription Factor Gene Family Reveals Soybean-Specific Duplicable and Functional Characteristics
  • 53. Allele-specific marker development and selection efficiencies for both flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase and flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylase genes in soybean subgenus soja
  • 54. 大豆耐盐相关基因GmNcl1的序列单倍型及表达分析
  • 55. 大豆倒伏性相关QTL 的整合及Overview 分析
  • 56. Mapping and validation of a dominant salt tolerance gene in the cultivated soybean (Glycine max) variety Tiefeng 8
  • 57. Establishment of the integrated applied core collection and its comparison with mini core collection in soybean (Glycine max)
  • 58. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Cupin Gene Family in Soybean (Glycine max)
  • 59. co-treatment with surfactant and sonication significantly improves agrobacterium-mediated resistant bud formation and transient expression efficiency in Soybean
  • 60. development of insertion and markers based on biparental resequencing for fine mapping seed weight in soybean
  • 61. Identification of quantitative trait lociassociated with soybean seed proteincontent using two populations derivedfrom crosses between Glycine max andGlycine soja
  • 62. salinity tolerance in soybean is modulated by natural variation in GmSALT3
  • 63. De novo assembly of soybean wild relatives for pan-genome analysis of diversity and agronomic traits
  • 64. A Soybean Acyl Carrier Protein, GmACP,Is Important for Root Nodule Symbiosis
  • 65. A Dominant Locus, qBSC-1, Controls β Subunit Content of Seed Storage Protein in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merri.)
  • 66. Identification of active VQ motif-containing genes and the expression patterns under low nitrogen treatment in soybean
  • 67. Biparental Resequencing Coupled With SNPGenotyping of a Segregating Population OffersInsights Into the Landscape of Recombinationand Fixed Genomic Regions in Elite Soybean
  • 68. Detecting SNPs underlying domestication-related traits in soybean
  • 69. 2014 年中国大豆基因资源发掘的主要进展
  • 70. Geographical distribution of GmTfl1 alleles in Chinese Soybean varieties
  • 71. 中品03-5373 对大豆胞囊线虫3 号生理小种免疫抗性的遗传解析
  • 72. 大豆胞囊线虫主效抗病基因Rhg4 (GmSHMT)的CAPS/dCAPS 标记开发和利用
  • 73. 大豆微核心种质对草甘膦的耐受性鉴定
  • 74. 不同大豆基因型对农杆菌敏感性研究及优异种质筛选
  • 75. 大豆炸荚发生规律及分子遗传基础
  • 76. 抗草甘膦转基因大豆对土壤酶活性及微生物数量的影响
  • 77. 利用“微创刷”法获得抗草甘膦转基因大豆
  • 78. Functional marker development of miR1511-InDel and allelic diversity within the genus Glycine
  • 79. Targeted association mapping demonstrating the complex molecular genetics of fatty acid formation in soybean
  • 80. Co-expression of G2-EPSPS and glyphosate acetyltransferase GAT genes conferring high tolerance to glyphosate in soybean


  • 1. 大豆种质资源遗传多样性与基因组进化特点


  • 1. 中国大豆品种资源目录续编Ⅲ
  • 2. 杨庆凯大豆论文集
  • 3. 《中国大豆品种资源目录》续编Ⅲ