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姓 名:宗绪晓 性 别:男 职 称:正高级 联系电话:62186651 电子邮箱:zongxuxiao@caas.cn 个人网页: |
宗绪晓,博士,研究员,博士生导师,食用豆类创新研究组组长,1964年8月生于山东莱州,中国农业大学农学博士,2004年晋升研究员,农业部小宗粮豆专家指导组成员,福建农林大学兼职教授,云南省院士(专家)工作站站长,兼国际半干旱热带作物研究所中国协调员,《植物遗传资源学报》、《作物杂志》编委。发表《Scientific Reports》等SCI论文23篇,国内核心学报论文88篇;主编和副主编著作18部,参编24部;获国家科技进步1等(集体)、2等奖各1项,省部级1等奖2项、2等奖4项、3等奖3项,发明3项。
截止2016年底,培养统招博士硕士14名、农业推广硕士8名,审定豌豆、蚕豆新品种9个;在《Scientific Reports》等发表SCI论文23篇,累计影响因子73.7;在《The Crop Journal》、《作物学报》等发表论文88篇;参编英文专著3部;主编和副主编著作18部,参编21部;获国家科技进步1等(集体)、2等奖各1项,省部级1等奖2项、2等奖4项、3等奖3项;获得国家发明专利3项。
- 1. Food legume production in China
- 2. Variation in Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Germplasm Grown in China
- 3. Genetic Diversity and Core Collection of Alien Pisum sativum L. Germplasm
- 4. Identification and Analysis of Genetic Diversity Structure Within Pisum Genus Based on Microsatellite Markers
- 5. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Germplasm Detected by SSR Markers
- 6. Insect Pollinators in CGMS Hybrid Seed Production of Cajanus cajan
- 7. Impact of Molecular Technologies on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Breeding Strategies
- 8. Molecular variation among Chinese and global winter faba bean germplasm
- 9. Molecular variation among Chinese and global germplasm in spring faba bean areas
- 10. Development and characterization of 21 EST-derived microsatellite markers in Vicia faba (fava bean)
- 11. Development and characterization of 20 novel polymorphic STS markers in Vicia faba (fava bean)
- 12. Genetic diversity and relationship of global faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm revealed by ISSR markers
- 13. Development of 161 novel EST-SSR markers from Lathyrus sativus (fabaceae)
- 14. 蚕豆抗绿豆象种质资源的鉴定
- 15. 豌豆氮磷钾肥效研究
- 16. 豌豆种质资源抗绿豆象鉴定
- 17. 国内外蚕豆核心种质SSR 遗传多样性对比及微核心种质构建
- 18. 豌豆种质表型性状SSR标记关联分析
- 19. 木豆CGMS 杂交种生产中的传粉昆虫
- 20. 世界蚕豆种质资源遗传多样性和相似性的ISSR分析
- 21. 中国蚕豆种质资源ISSR标记遗传多样性分析
- 22. 蚕豆种质资源、抗病育种和QTL定位及抗逆性研究进展
- 23. 豌豆种质资源形态标记遗传多样性分析
- 24. 蚕豆种质资源形态标记遗传多样性分析
- 25. 世界栽培豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)资源群体结构与遗传多样性分析
- 26. 中国和国际豌豆核心种质群体结构与遗传多样性差异分析
- 27. 豌豆资源遗传多样性及核心种质研究进展
- 28. 豌豆属(Pisum)SSR 标记遗传多样性结构鉴别与分析
- 29. High-throughput novel microsatellite marker of faba bean via next generation sequencing
- 30. Ecogeographic analysis of pea collection sites from China to determine potential sites with abiotic stresses
- 31. SSR genetic linkage map construction of pea (Pisum sativum L.) based on Chinese native varieties
- 32. Genetic linkage map of Chinese native variety faba bean (Vicia faba L.) based on simple sequence repeat markers
- 33. Large-scale microsatellite development in grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.), an orphan legume of the arid areas
- 34. Breeding Annual Grain Legumes Sustainable Agriculture New Methods to Approach Complex Traits and Target New Cultivar Ideotypes
- 35. Genetic Diversity of Grasspea and Its Relative Species Revealed by SSR Markers
- 36. High-Throughput Development of SSR Markers from Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Based on Next Generation Sequencing of a Purified Chinese Commercial Variety
- 37. Large-scale evaluation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) germplasm for cold tolerance in the field during winter in Qingdao
- 38. Soil Fertility Map for Food Legumes Production Areas in China
- 1. 北京市科学技术进步一等奖
- 1. Chapter 5 Faba Bean, P113~136. In《Genetic and Genomic Resources of Grain Legume Improvement》
- 2. Chapter 4. Faba Bean, P75~93. In《Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Legumes》
- 3. Chapter 2. Pea, P37~83. In 《Grain Legumes: Handbook for Plant Breeding》
- 4. 良种良法食用豆类栽培
- 5. 蚕豆豌豆病虫害
- 6. 山黧豆种质资源描述规范和数据标准
- 7. 小扁豆种质资源描述规范和数据标准
- 8. 鹰嘴豆种质资源描述规范和数据标准
- 9. 羽扇豆种质资源描述规范和数据标准
- 10. 豌豆生产技术
- 11. 蚕豆生产技术