
姓 名:段灿星

性 别:

职 称:副高级











  • 1. 豌豆资源抗镰孢根腐病鉴定
  • 2. 黑龙江省大豆根腐病菌锐顶镰孢鉴定
  • 3. 加拿大豌豆品种(系)抗白粉病表型和基因型鉴定
  • 4. 小豆锈病病原菌鉴定
  • 5. 灰葡萄孢蚕豆分离物的遗传多样性
  • 6. Induced defense responses in rice plants against small brown planthopper infestation
  • 7. Resistance of faba bean and pea germplasm to Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its relationship with quality components
  • 8. Characterization of Phytophthora resistance in soybean cultivars/lines bred in Henan province
  • 9. Rapid development of microsatellite markers for Callosobruchus chinensis using Illumina paired-end sequencing
  • 10. 抗感水稻品种受灰飞虱为害后的生理反应差异
  • 11. 大豆茎褐腐病病原菌鉴定
  • 12.  菜豆种子普通细菌性疫病菌检测
  • 13. 中国食用豆抗性育种研究进展
  • 14. 豌豆抗白粉病资源筛选及分子鉴定
  • 15. 玉米叶斑病药剂防控技术探索
  • 16. An emerging disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola threatens mung bean production in China
  • 17. Occurrence and iidentification of Nothophoma quercina causing brown spot of jujube in China
  • 18. Genetic diversity and differentiation of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) populations in China
  • 19. Two major er1 alleles confer powdery mildew resistance in three pea cultivars bred in Yunnan Province, China
  • 20. A new disease of mung bean caused by Botrytis cinerea
  • 21. Identification of pathogenic Fusarium spp. causing maize ear rot and potential mycotoxin production in China
  • 22. A novel er1 allele and the development and validation of its functional marker for breeding pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistance to powdery mildew
  • 23. Discovery of a novel er1 allele conferring powdery mildew resistance in Chinese pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces
  • 24. Genetic differentiation and diversity of Callosobruchus chinensis collections from China
  • 25. 多堆柄锈菌侵染玉米的细胞学及超微结构特征
  • 26. 中国玉米灰斑病发生现状与未来扩散趋势分析
  • 27. 玉米抗穗腐病研究进展
  • 28. 玉米种质和新品种对腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病的抗性分析
  • 29. 豌豆品系X9002 抗白粉病基因鉴定
  • 30. First report of Jujube leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata in China
  • 31. Effects of silicon on seed setting rate of rice intersubspecific hybrids
  • 32. Ion beam transformation with corn DNA alters proteinase expression in rice seedling roots.
  • 33. Two genes conferring ressitance to Pythium stalk rot in maize inbred line Qi319
  • 34. Resistance to powdery mildew in the pea cultivar ‘Xucai 1’ is conferred by er1 gene
  • 35. Stem rot on adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 HGI in China
  • 36. "Genetic characterization and fine mapping of the novel Phytophthora resistance gene in a Chinese soybean cultivar"
  • 37. Identification and candidate gene analysis of a novel Phytophthora resistance gene Rps10 in a Chinese soybean cultivar


  • 1. 绿豆病虫害鉴定与防治手册
  • 2. 蚕豆豌豆病虫害
  • 3. 食用豆类豆象鉴别与防控手册