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姓 名:郑晓明 性 别:女 职 称:副高级 联系电话:132410220097 电子邮箱:zhengxiaoming@caas.cn 个人网页: |
在Science, Cell, PNAS, Molecular biology and Evolution 和Molcular Ecology的知名杂志发表文章30余篇,其中SCI累积影响因子为260。培养博士生3名,硕士生7名(含联合培养及专业学位硕士生)。获得10项基金资助,个人年平均经费80万。
1. 大量收集国外野生稻填补国内野生稻资源空白。新收集和繁殖更新国内外野生稻种质资源 400 余份,填补国内种质库东南亚和南亚等地无野生稻的空白。鉴定出高抗白叶枯病,耐贫瘠和耐寒等野生稻资源 20 余份,提供利用野生稻种质 2000多份次。确定了中国野生稻和东南亚野生稻的亲缘关系;用20年前后野生稻原位和异位群体比较,分析了原位保存和异位保存优缺点,提出野生稻保存补充策略。
2. 深入研究野生稻资源适应性分子机制,为资源有效利用提供理论基础。把资源通过63个候选基因的关联网络分析,确定了影响水稻抽穗期变异的21个关键位点,15个优异等位基因调控栽培稻抽穗期多样性。发现粳稻通过长日照抑制基因编码区无功能化扩大种植面积,籼稻中通过短日照促进基因调控区的多样化适应多种种植策略。这一发现不仅展示了栽培稻抽穗期分子进化规律,同时为培育抽穗期多样性的栽培稻提供了分子育种工具。
3. 破译野生稻非编码区,推动野生稻资源利用进入新时代。利用有方向的群体转录组数据高精度的注释了栽培稻和野生稻的非编码区。通过转录组和基因组数据的联合分析,结合溯祖模拟确定了6.8%的非编码区可能和驯化相关,对其中的三个lncRNAs进行转基因和群体遗传学的分析,确定他们和水稻的品质相关。为水稻品质改良提供新思路。有效解决关联分析中非编码区无基因注释的缺点。
1. Genome-wide association study of rice grain width variation 2017 Genome
2. Inferring the evolutionary mechanism of the chloroplast genome size by comparing whole-chloroplast genome sequences in seed plants. 2017 Scientific Reports
3. Nonfunctional alleles of long‐day suppressor genes independently regulate flowering time 2016 Journal of integrative plant biology
4. Evolution of the PEBP gene family and selective signature on FT‐like clade 2016 Journal of Systematics and Evolution
5. Ecological divergence in the presence of gene flow in two closely related Oryza species (Oryza rufipogon and O. nivara) 2010 Molecular Ecology
6. Comparison of the Genetic Structure between In Situ and Ex Situ Populations of DongxiangWild Rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) 2017 Crop Science
7. OsCOL16 encoding a CONSTANS-like protein, represses flowering by up-regulating Ghd7 expression in rice 2017 Plant Science
8. Days to heading 7, a major quantitative locus determining photoperiod sensitivity and regional adaptation in rice 2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
9. Association of functional nucleotide polymorphisms at DTH2 with the northward expansion of rice cultivation in Asia 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
10. Fine mapping and identification of a novel locus qGL12. 2 control grain length in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) 2018 Theoretical and Applied Genetics
11. A selfish genetic element confers non-Mendelian inheritance in rice 2018 Science
12. Characterization of imprinted genes in rice reveals conservation of regulation and imprinting with other plant species 2018 Plant physiology
13. GW5 acts in the brassinosteroid signalling pathway to regulate grain width and weight in rice 2017 Nature plants
14. Identify QTLs for grain size and weight in common wild rice using chromosome segment substitution lines across six environments 2017 Breeding science
15. OsCOL10 a CONSTANS-Like gene, functions as a flowering time repressor downstream of Ghd7 in rice 2016 Plant and Cell Physiology
16. Hybrid sterility in rice (Oryza sativa L.) involves the tetratricopeptide repeat domain containing protein 2016 Genetics
17. Development and characterization of chromosome segment substitution lines derived from Oryza rufipogon in the genetic background of O. sativa spp. indica cultivar 9311 2016 BMC genomics
18. COLD1 confers chilling tolerance in rice 2015 Cell
19. A gene cluster encoding lectin receptor kinases confers broad-spectrum and durable insect resistance in rice 2015 Nature biotechnology
20. An evolutionarily conserved gene, FUWA, plays a role in determining panicle architecture, grain shape and grain weight in rice 2015 The Plant Journal
21. Population genetic structure of Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara: implications for the origin of O. nivara 2015 Molecular ecology
22. Widespread and adaptive alterations in genome-wide gene expression associated with ecological divergence of two Oryza species 2015 Molecular biology and evolution
23. STV11 encodes a sulphotransferase and confers durable resistance to rice stripe virus 2014 Nature Communications
24. Rice LTG 1 is involved in adaptive growth and fitness under low ambient temperature 2014 The Plant Journal
25. Ehd4 encodes a novel and Oryza-genus-specific regulator of photoperiodic flowering in rice 2013 PLoS genetics
26. Nucleotide diversity of 11 S seed storage protein gene and its implications for ecological adaptation of Oryza nivara 2013 Journal of Systematics and Evolution
27. Resequencing 50 accessions of cultivated and wild rice yields markers for identifying agronomically important genes 2012 Nature biotechnology
28. Genetic diversity and domestication history of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) as inferred from multiple gene sequences 2011 Theoretical and applied genetics
29. Contrasting population genetic structure and gene flow between Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara 2008 Theoretical and Applied Genetics
30. Multilocus analysis of nucleotide variation of Oryza sativa and its wild relatives: severe bottleneck during domestication of rice 2007 Molecular Biology and Evolution