





卷:46  期:19  页码:4044-4057


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causing maizespecies causing maize gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot gray leaf spot (GLS) (GLS) (GLS) in China in Chinain China in China in China. 【MethodMethodMethod MethodMethod】 The samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize produc The samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize produc The samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe samples of GLS were widely collected from maize producThe 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The causal agents were identified based on fungal morphology, culture and molecular characters. he causal agents were identified