
Prediction and identification of natural antisense transcripts and their small RNAs in soybean (Glycine max)

作者:Hu Zheng, Jiang Qiyan, Ni Zhiyong and Zhang Hui


刊物名称:BMC Genomics


卷:14  期:280  页码:


Background: Natural antisense transcripts (NATs) are a class of RNAs that contain a sequence complementary to other transcripts. NATs occur widely in eukaryotes and play critical roles in post-transcriptional regulation. Soybean NAT sequences are predicted in the PlantNATsDB, but detailed analyses of these NATs remain to be performed. Results: A total of 26,216 NATs, including 994 cis-NATs and 25,222 trans-NATs, were predicted in soybean. Each sense transcript had 1–177 antisense transcripts. We identified 21 trans-NATs using RT-PCR amplification. Additionally, we identified 179 cis-NATs and 6,629 trans-NATs that gave rise to small RNAs; these were enriched in the NAT overlapping region. The