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BEAK LIKE SPIKELET1 is Required for Lateral Development of Lemma and Palea in Rice
作者:Xiaoding Ma & Zhijun Cheng & Fuqing Wu & Mingna Jin & Liguo Zhang & Feng Zhou & Jiulin Wang & Kunneng Zhou & Jian Ma & Qibing Lin Cailin Lei,Jianmin Wan
刊物名称:Plant Mol Biol Rep
卷: 期:31 页码:98–108
Lemma and palea are unique floral structures found only in Poaceae, and are responsible for protecting the inner floral organs and kernels from environmental stresses. However, the mechanism underlying specification of their morphology remains unclear. In this study, we characterized a rice mutant, beak like spikelet1 (bls1), which specifically affects development of the lemma and palea. In bls1 mutant, floral-organ identity and floral-organ patterning are normal, and the defects occur at the stage of the lemma and palea expansion, whereas the other aspects of floral architecture and form are not affected. We isolated BLS1 by positional cloning and found that it encodes a protein with a cons