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Overexpression of gma-MIR394a confers tolerance to drought in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana
作者:Zhiyong Ni, Zheng Hu, Qiyan Jiang, Hui Zhang
刊物名称:Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
卷:427 期: 页码:330–335
MicroRNAs, key posttranscriptional regulators of eukaryotic gene expression, play important roles in plant development and response to stress. In this study, a soybean gma-MIR394a gene was functionally characterized, especially with regard to its role in drought stress resistance. Expression analysis revealed that gma-MIR394a was expressed differentially in various soybean tissues and was induced by drought, high salinity, low temperature stress, and abscisic acid treatment in leaves. One target gene of gma-miR394a, Glyma08g11030, was predicted and verified using a modified 50 RLM-RACE (RNA ligasemediated rapid amplification of 50 cDNA ends) assay. Overexpression of gma-MIR394a resulted in p