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Proteomic analysis of ‘hybrid necrosis’ in wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaves
作者:Xinglai Pan, Qiyan Jiang, Qianying Pan, Xuefei Wen, Yinhong Shi, Yongjie Wang, Tianyuan Pan, Sangang Xie, Guiyun Zhang, Shenjie Wu, Yongfeng Cha, Changsheng Zhang, Zongxin Wu, Shihua Shen
刊物名称:Functional Plant Biology
卷:36 期: 页码:251-259
Wheathybridnecrosishasbeengeneticallycharacterisedformanyyears,butthespecificgene(s)andtheprotein products involved in the processes remains unknown. In this study, protein expression in the base (B), mid (M) and tip (T) segmentsoftheFL-2leavesofanecrotichybrid,PZF1anditsparents,Pan555andZheng891,wasanalysedandcompared using a high throughput proteomic approach. Twenty-three protein spots, with significant variations in intensity across the necrotic leaf segments, were analysed by MALDI-TOF-MS, of which, 18 were matched to protein accessions in the NCBI database. Several of these proteins are enzymes involved in the methylation cycle, including AdoHcy hydrolase, AdoMet synthase 3 and methionine synthase 1; AdoHcy hydrolase was downregulated sharply in M and T, and AdoMet synthase 3 and methionine synthase 1 were upregulated gradually from M to T. This result suggests that methylation-associated processes, including epigenetic mechanisms, may play a role in the initiation and development of hybrid necrosis. Several energy cycle-associated proteins and cytoprotective proteins were also differentially expressed across the leaf segments, suggestingtheirdirectassociationwithorpossibleinvolvementinthenecroticprocesses.Thesignificantimbalanceofaheat- shock protein, a transposon protein and a RNA- and ssDNA-binding protein also makes these proteins potential molecular components in the necrotic processes