- De novo creation of narrowed plant architecture via CRISPR/Cas9 mediated mutagenesis of SiLGs...
- Legacy effects cause systematic underestimation of N2O emission factors
- TaFT-D1 positively regulates grain weight by acting as a coactivator of TaFDL2 in wheat
- A special short-wing petal faba genome and genetic dissection of floral and yield-related traits acc...
- Large-scale genomic and phenomic analyses of modern cultivars empower future rice breeding design
- Genome-wide association studies reveal the genetic architecture of ionomic variation in grains of Ta...
- TaWUS-like-5D affects grain weight and filling by inhibiting the expression of sucrose and tr...
- Leveraging automated machine learning for environmental data-driven genetic analysis and genomic pre...
- An efficient target-mutant screening platform of model variety Ci846 facilitates genetic studies of ...
- Florigen‐like protein OsFTL1 promotes floweringwithout essential florigens Hd3a and RFT1 in rice