![]() | 姓 名:李新海 性 别:男 职 称:正高级 联系电话:82108567 电子邮箱:lixinhai@caas.cn 个人网页: |
揭示了玉米抗矮花叶病、丝黑穗病、粗缩病和开花期耐旱的遗传机制,发掘新基因/QTL 10个,开发实用分子标记12个,建立了优质蛋白玉米和抗矮花叶病基因的分子标记技术,促进了育种技术发展;创建并改良4个优良育种群体(中群15、中群16、中东群1号和中东群2号);创制出高配合力育种新材料136份和优良自交系12个,丰富了我国玉米种质基础;选育6个玉米新品种(中龙1号、中东青2号、中东玉1号、中单122、中单105和中单121),促进了我国玉米种业和生产的发展。发表论文126篇,通讯作者和第一作者SCI收录32篇,获发明专利8项,国家科技进步二等奖1项。
- 1. 一种定点突变创制玉米紧凑株型种质的方法及其应用
- 2. 玉米耐旱种质鉴定和和筛选CAPS标记及其检测方法和应用
- 3. 一种抗虫蛋白Cry1A.401、其表达载体及应用
- 4. 一种抗虫蛋白Cry1A.301、其表达载体及应用
- 5. 编码杀虫蛋白基因Cry1Ab-Ma、其表达载体及应用
- 1. 美洲地区主要玉米群体特征及其利用途径分析
- 2. Potential of tropical maize populations for improving an elite maize hybrid
- 3. Heterosis and combining ability of seven maize germplasm populations
- 4. Genetic Diversity of Seven Representative Germplasm Populations in Chinese Maize Breeding Programs
- 5. Breeding potential of U.S. maize germplasm for utilization in Chinese temperate conditions
- 6. Broadening the Genetic Base of Chinese Maize Heterotic Pools with Exotic Germplasm
- 7. Breeding potential of exotic maize populations to improve an elite Chinese hybrid
- 8. Genome-wide association study identifies candidate genes that affect plant height in Chinese elite maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines
- 9. Molecular mapping of the major resistance quantitative trait locus qHS2.09 with simple sequence repeat and single nucleotide polymorphism markers in maize
- 10. A non-synonymous SNP within the isopentenyl transferase 2 locus is associated with kernel weight in Chinese maize inbreds (Zea mays L.)
- 11. Identification of promoter motifs regulating ZmeIF4E expression level involved in maize rough dwarf disease resistance in maize (Zea Mays L.)
- 12. Genome-wide association study of resistance to rough dwarf disease in maize
- 13. Phylogenetic and recombination analyses of rice black-streaked dwarf virus segment 9 in China
- 14. Genetic properties of 240 maize inbred lines and identity-bydescent segments revealed by high-density SNP markers
- 15. Molecular Genetic Analysis and Evolution of Segment 7 in Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus in China
- 16. Genetic dissection of maize plant architecture with an ultra-high density bin map based on recombinant inbred lines
- 17. Molecular variation and expansion of a rice black-streaked dwarf virus population based on analysis of segment 1 in Jining, China
- 18. Fine mapping of a quantitative trait locus conferring resistance to maize rough dwarf disease
- 19. Dual transcriptome analysis reveals insights into the response to Rice black-streaked dwarf virus in maize
- 20. Analysis of the genetic architecture of maize yield-related traits by combined linkage and association mapping