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Chief: Shaokun Li


Prof. Shaokun Li
Chief of the Research Team of Crop Cultivation and Physiology
Center for Crop Management & Farming System
Institute of Crop Sciences
No.12 Zhongguancun South Street
Beijing, 100081, China


  • 1996-1998:Shandong Agriculture University, Post PhD
  • 1993-1996:China Agriculture University,PhD
  • 1987-1990:Northwest Agriculture University / Shihezi University,MS
  • 1980-1984:Shihezi University,BS

Working Experience

  • 1998- up to now:Professor, Institute of Crop Sciences , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • 1990-1998:Teacher, College of Shihezi Agriculture
  • 1984-1987:Cotton Breeding and Cultivation,Shihezi Cotton Research Institute in Xinjiang

Research Interests

  • Physiological and ecological of maize yield formation, high yield rule and potential breakthrough way
  • The physiological and ecological mechanism of high efficient utilization of resources and the key technology of green production of high yield and high efficiency
  • Integrated demonstration and popularization of modern corn production technology

Academic Qualifications

  • Executive editor, Journal of Integrative Agriculture
  • Executive editor, Journal of Maize Science

Selected Publications (*corresponding authors)

LI S K et al.,2015, Seriesof corn productionin scale(4 volumes)[M],China Agriculture Press.
LI S K et al.,2012, Seriesof maize field planting manual(6 volumes in Chinese, 1 in English, Uygur, Ha and Mongolian for each)and wall charts(30 suits)[M], China Agriculture Press.
LI SK, XIE RZ, LAI JC and LIU YE. The Cultivation Technology ofDegeneration-resistant and Disaster Reduction in Maize(Zea mays L.)[M]. Golden Shield Press,2011
LI S K, WANG C T. Potential and Ways to High Yield in Maize[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010.
LI S K, WANG C T. Innovation and Diffusion of Corn Production Technology [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010.
LI S K, LAI J C and MING B.Expert System for the Diagnosis of Corn Diseases,Pests and Weeds[M]. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press,2009
L. Zhai, R. Xie, D. Ma, G. Liu, P. Wang, S. Li*. (2015), Evaluation of Individual Competitiveness and the Relationship Between Competitiveness and Yield in Maize. Crop Sci., 55, 1-12. (*corresponding author)
P. Hou, Z. Cui,*, L. Bu, H. Yang, F. Zhang, Li, S*. (2015), Evaluation of a modified hybrid-maize model incorporating a newly developed module of plastic film mulching, Crop Sci., 54: 2796-2804. (*corresponding author)
D. Ma, R. Xie, X. Liu, X. Niu, P. Hou, K. Wang, Y. Lu, S. Li*.(2014), Lodging-Related Stalk Characteristics of Maize Varieties in China since the 1950s. Crop Sci.,54:2805-2814. (*corresponding author)
Y. Liu, P. Hou, S. Li *.(2013), Spatial adaptabilities of spring maize to variation of climatic conditions. Crop Sci.,53(4): 1693. (*corresponding author)

Members of Research Group


