Chief: Xinhai Li

Xinhai Li
Chief of the Research Team of Maize Genetic Improvement and Germplasm Creation
Center for Crop Genetics and Breeding
Institute of Crop Sciences
No.12 Zhongguancun South Street
Beijing, 100081, China
- 1993-1996, PhD in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China
- 1991-1993, MS in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China
- 1987-1991, BS in Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China
Working Experience
- 2016.6-now, Deputy director, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- 2013.3-2016.5, Deputy director, Department of Science and Technology Management, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- 2004.1-2013.2, Professor, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- 1998.12-2003.12, Associate Professor, Institute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- 1998.9-1998.11, Assistant Professor, Institute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- 1996.8-1998.8, Post-doctoral, Huazhong Agricultural University
Research Interests
- Novel Genes Discovery and Function Analysis of Disease and Stress Resistance
- Maize Germplasm Improvement and development
- Maize Hybrid Breeding
Academic Qualifications
- Executive Director and Deputy Secretary-General, Crop Science Society of China
- Deputy director, Committee of Maize of Crop Science Society of China
Selected Publications (*corresponding authors)
Zhou Z, Zhang C, Lu X, Wang L, Hao Z, Li M, Zhang D, Yong H, Zhu H, Weng J*,Li X*. 2018. Dissecting the genetic basis underlying combining ability of plant height related traits in maize. Front. Plant Sci.9:1117.
Zhou Y, Zhang X, Wang D, Weng J, Di H, Zhang L, Dong L, Zhang H, Zu H,Li X*, Wang Z*. 2018. Differences in molecular characteristics of segment 8 in rice black-streaked dwarf virus and southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus. Plant Dis. 102(6):1115-1123.
Yong H, Jin Z, Gao L, Zhang L, Liu X, Zhang F, Zhang X, Zhang D, Li M, Weng J, Hao Z, Zhang S*, Li X*. 2017. Breeding potential of maize germplasm populations to improve yield and predominant heterotic pattern in Northeast China. Euphytica 213:219.
Zhou Y, Xu Z, Duan C, Chen Y, Meng Q, Wu J, Hao Z, Wang Z, Li M, Yong H, Zhang D, Zhang S, Weng J*,Li X*. 2016. Dual transcriptome analysis reveals insights into the response to rice black-streaked dwarf virus in maize. J of Exp Bot. 67(15):4593-4609.
Liu C, Hua J, Liu C, Zhang D, Hao Z, Yong H, Xie C, Li M, Zhang S, Weng J*, Li X*.2016. Fine mapping of a quantitative trait locus conferring resistance to maize rough dwarf disease. Theor Appl Genet.129:2333-2342.
Zhou Z, Zhang C, Zhou Y, Hao Z, Wang Z, Zeng X, Di H, Li M, Zhang D, Yong H, Zhang S, Weng J*, Li X*. 2016. Genetic dissection of maize plant architecture with an ultra-high density bin map based on recombinant inbred lines.BMC Genomics 17:178.
Zhang X, Yong H, Zhang L, Liu X, Hua J, Zhang C, Zhou Z, Weng J, Hao Z, Zhang D, Li M, Zhang S, Wang Z*, Li X*. 2016. Genetic diversity of seven representative germplasm populations in Chinese maize breeding programs.Agronomy Journal 108(5):1787-1793.
Liu C, Hao Z, Zhang D, Xie C, Li M, Zhang X, Yong H, Zhang S, Weng J*, Li X*. 2015. Genetic properties of 240 maize inbred lines and identity-bydescent segments revealed by high-density SNP markers. Mol Breed. 35:146-157.
Liu C, Weng J, Zhang D, Zhang X, Yang X, Shi L, Meng Q, Yuan J, Guo X, Hao Z, Xie C, Li M, Ci X, Bai L, Li X*, Zhang S*. 2014. Genome-wide association study of resistance to rough dwarf disease in maize. Eur J of Plant Path. 139:205-216.
Weng J, Li B, Liu C, Yang X, Wang H, Hao Z, Li M, Zhang D, Ci X, Li X*, Zhang S*. 2013. A non-synonymous SNP within the isopentenyl transferase 2 locus is associated with kernel weight in Chinese maize inbreds (Zea mays L.). BMC Plant Biology 13:98.
Members of Research Group