Chief: Luxiang Liu

Luxiang Liu
Chief of the Research Team of Wheat Breeding Techniques and Methods
Center for Crop Genetics and Breeding
Institute of Crop Sciences
No.12 Zhongguancun South Street
Beijing, 100081, China
- 1986-1989, MS in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Beijing Agriculture University, Beijing, China
- 1982-1986, BS in Agronomy, Northwest Agriculture University, Shaanxi, China
Working Experience
- 2016.9-now, Deputy Director General, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- 2003.3-now, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricutlrual Sciences
- 1989.7-2003.2, Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Research Interests
- Nuclear Irradiation and Space Mutation Techniques
- Doubled Haploids for Wheat Breeding
- Crop Molecular Mutagenesis.
Academic Qualifications
- Member of the RCA Programme Advisory Committee (RCA PAC), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Convener of Asia and Oceania Association of Plant Mutagenesis (AOAPM )
- Lead Country Coordinator of the RCA Project on Plant Mutation Breeding, IAEA
- Award Winner of Achievement Awards in Plant Mutation Breeding (the Wheat Mutation Breeding Team) honored by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division in September 2014
- President, Chinese Society of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
- Vice President, China Isotope and Radiation Association
- Secretary-General of Crop Biotechnology Branch of Chinese Society of Agro-Biotechnolog
- Director of National Center of Space Mutagenesis for Crop Improvement
- Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
Selected Publications (*corresponding authors)
Irshad A, Guo H, Zhang S, Gu J, Zhao L, Xie Y, Xiong H, Zhao S, Ding Y, Ma, Y, Liu L*.2019. EcoTILLING Reveals Natural Allelic Variations in Starch Synthesis Key Gene TaSSIV and Its Haplotypes Associated with Higher Thousand Grain Weight.Genes.10, 307.
Xiong H, Guo H, Zhou C, Guo X, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Ding Y,Liu L*.2019. A combined association mapping and t-test analysis of SNP loci and candidate genes involving in resistance to low nitrogen traits by a wheat mutant population. PLoS ONE. 14(1): e0211492
Xiong H, Guo H, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Li J,Liu L*. 2017. RNAseq analysis reveals pathways and candidate genes associated with salinity tolerance in a spaceflight-induced wheat mutant. Scientific Reports. 7: 2731.
Guo H, Liu Y, Li X, Yan Z, Xie Y, Xiong H, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Liu L*. 2017. Novel mutant alleles of the starch synthesis gene TaSSIVb-D result in the reduction of starch granule number per chloroplast in wheat. BMC Genomics. 18(1): 358.
Shi K, Gu J, Guo H, Zhao L, Xie Y, Xiong H, Li J, Zhao S, Song X, Liu L*.2017. Transcriptome and proteomic analyses reveal multiple differences associated with chloroplast development in the spaceflight-induced wheat albino mutant mta. PLoS ONE. 12(5): e0177992.
Li W, Guo H, Wang Y, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Zhao B, Wang G, Liu L*.2017. Identification of novel alleles induced by EMS-mutagenesis in key genes of kernel hardness and starch biosynthesis in wheat by TILLING. Genes & Genomics. 39:387-395.
Xiong H, Guo H, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Li J. Liu L*. 2018. Enhancement of dwarf wheat germplasm with high yield potential derived from induced mutagenesis. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 16(1):74-81.
Han B, Gu J, Zhao L, Guo H, Xie Y, Zhao S, Song X, Han L, Liu L*. 2016. Factors affecting the radiosensitivity of hexaploid wheat to -irradiation: Radiosensitivity of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PLoS ONE. 11(8): e0161700.
Zhang N, Xie Y, Guo H, Zhao L, Xiong H, Gu J, Li J, Kong F, Sui L, Zhao Z, Zhao S, Liu L*.2016. Gibberellins regulate the stem elongation rate without affecting the mature plant height of a quick development mutant of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 107:228-236.
Zhao L, Liu L*, Wang J, Guo H, Gu J, Zhao S, Li J, Xie Y. 2015. Development of a new wheat germplasm with high anther culture ability by using a combination of gamma-ray irradiation and anther culture. J Sci Food Agric. 95:120–125.
Wang J, Sui J, Xie Y, Guo H, Qiao L, Zhao L, Yu S, Liu L*. 2015. Generation of peanut mutants by fast neutron irradiation combined with in vitro culture. Journal of Radiation Research. 56:437-445.
Gu J, Wang Q, Cui M, Han B, Guo H, Zhao L, Xie Y, Song X, Liu L*. 2014. Cloning and characterization of Ku70 and Ku80 homologues involved in DNA repair process in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 12 (S1): S99-S103.
Members of Research Group