Chief: Shumin Wang

Shumin Wang
Chief of the Research Team of Crop Germplasm Collection and Introduction
Center for Crop Germplasm Resources
Institute of Crop Sciences
No.80 XueYuanNanLu
Beijing, 100081, China
- 1998-2001 PhD in Plant Genetics and Breeding, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China
- 1984-1987 MS in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing,China
- 1981-1984 BS in Agronomy, Laiyang Agriculture College, Laiyang, China
Working Experience
- 1987.9- to present: Professor, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Research Interests
- Crop Germplasm Introduction and Collection
- Plant Genetic Diversity Analysis
- New Genes Discovering Using Genome-Wide Association Study and Map-Based Cloning.
Academic Qualifications
Selected Publications (*corresponding authors)
Wu J, Chen J, Wang L and Wang S. (2017) Genome-wide investigation of WRKY transcription factors involved in terminal drought stress response in common bean. Front. Plant Sci. 8:380. (Corresponding author)
Xue R, Wu X, Wang Y, Zhuang Y, Chen J, Wu J, Ge W, Wang L, Wang S, Blair M. (2017) Hairy root transgene expression analysis of a secretory peroxidase (PvPOX1) from common bean infected by Fusarium wilt. Plant Sci.260:1-7 (Corresponding author)
Wu J, Wang L and Wang S. (2017) MicroRNAs associated with drought response in the pulse crop common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Gene. 628:78-86 (Corresponding author)
Zhu J, Wu J, Wang L, Blair M, Wang S. (2017) Novel alleles for black and gray seed color genes in common bean. Crop Sci. 57:1603-1610 (Corresponding author)
Chen M, Wu J, Wang L, Mantri N, Zhang X, Zhu Z, Wang S. (2017) Mapping and genetic structure analysis of the anthracnose resistance locus Co-1HY in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169954. (Corresponding author)
Wu J, Wang L and Wang S. (2016) Comprehensive analysis and discovery of drought-related NAC transcription factors in common bean. BMC Plant Biol. 16:193 (Corresponding author)
Chen J, Cao Y, Zhang Z, Wang S, Wu J, Wang L. (2016) Cloning of the OAT gene and the correlation between its expression and drought tolerance in Phaseolus vulgaris L. J. Integr. Agr. 15(5): 973-982 (Corresponding author)
Zhu J, Wu J, Wang L, Blair M, Zhu Z, Wang S. (2016) QTL and candidate genes associated with common bacterial blight resistance in the common bean cultivar Longyundou 5 from China. The Crop J. 4:344-352 (Corresponding author)
Chen J, Wu J, Lu Y, Cao Y, Zeng H, Zhang Z, Wang L, Wang S. (2016) Molecular cloning and characterization of a gene encoding the proline transporter protein in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) The Crop J. 4:384-390 (Corresponding author)
Members of Research Group