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The Third National Crop Germplasm Resource Survey and Collection Launched in Beijing 


On July 13, a launch meeting was held for the third national crop germplasm resource survey and collection in Beijing. The activity is organized by the Seeds Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and implemented by the Institute of Crop Science (ICS), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). The meeting was attended by more than 120 people. Yu, Xinrong, vice Minister of MOA, Liu Xu, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Tang Huajun, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Lv Shuqi, Chief of Agriculture Section I of the Agriculture and Society Department of the Ministry of Finance attended the meeting and delivered important speeches, and the meeting was presided over by Zhang Yanqiu, Director of the Seeds Administration Bureau of MOA.

Tang Huajun delivered a speech, and stressed the important significance to implement the third national crop germplasm resource survey and collection and investigate crop germplasm resource base in China. He stressed that crop germplasm resources are strategic resources for the survival and development of mankind. The richer the crop germplasm resources are, the more competitive the biological industry will be.

He said that CAAS will provide a big support in policy, human resources, material resources, financial resources and other aspects to the activity. Academician Liu Xu, the chief scientist of the third national crop germplasm resource survey and collection, the leader of the expert team, reviewed the two previous crop germplasm resource survey, stated the importance, necessity and urgency of the third survey, and described the objectives, tasks and implementation strategy of the activity.

When delivering a summary speech, Yu Xinrong pointed out the protection and utilization of germplasm resources have made an important contribution to the development of modern agriculture. At present, the international competition gets increasingly fiercer in the protection and utilization of crop germplasm resources, China now faces a strengthening risk from the disappearance of crop germplasm resources, particularly some unique resources. He further strengthened the protection and utilization of germplasm resources is of great importance to select new breakthrough varieties, promote stable development of crop production in China and guarantee the national grain safety and effective supply of major agricultural products. Yu Xinrong hopes that first strengthen organization and leadership. The Ministry of Agriculture will set up an action leading group, and the agricultural departments of relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) will set up provincial leading groups to organize, coordinate, supervise and administer the actions in respective jurisdiction. Second, define the tasks and division of work, and reinforce the definition of responsibilities. The agricultural research institutes, seeds administration agencies of different provinces, agricultural bureaus of counties and other relevant institutions must clearly define tasks, reinforce responsibilities, stress execution and carry forward the action in collaboration. Third, the expert team will play a good role in instructing the determination of the technical route for the action, hosting technical trainings and assessing project implementation, and provide a vigorous support in these regards. Fourth, strengthen project management and supervision to ensure steady progress and smooth implementation of the action. Fifth, it is necessary to improve the awareness of the entire society in participating in the work to conserve the diversity of germplasm resources, and carry forward the conservation and utilization of germplasm resources steadily.


Yu Xinrong stressed that the third national crop germplasm resource survey and collection is a systematic project that will benefit the future, and involve a big time span, broad scope of survey and multiple disciplines. He also stressed that all regions and relevant institutions should clearly see the situation, deeply realize it is an urgent mission to strengthen the conservation and utilization of crop germplasm resources.

This February, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology distributed the Medium and Long-term Development Plan for Conservation and Utilization of National Germplasm Resources (2015-2030), which states the overall concept, development objective, major tasks and action plan for China’s conservation and utilization of crop germplasm resources. The third national crop germplasm resource survey and collection is the first action to implement the Plan, and is expected to collect and solicit 100,000 crop germplasm resources and put 70,000 germplasm resources in the National Genebank after evaluation. The action will effectively protect the rich and diverse germplasm resources in China and also provide a strong information and material support for crop breeding and sustainability of agriculture.

