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Zhao Guangcai’s Group was Awarded Beijing Municipal Scientific and Technological Achievement


Recently, the Project of "Wheat Superior Tiller Theory and High-yield Efficient Cultivation Techniques" led by Dr. Zhao Guangcai, was awarded the 3rd Prize of Beijing Scientific and Technological Achievement Award in 2013. Initiated by the Institute of Crop Sciences, the project was jointly carried out by the Institute of Grain and Oil Crops of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Beijing Agricultural Technology Extension Station.

The project studies the wheat growth characteristics and nutrient needs in different stages, and introduces the winter wheat superior tiller theory and application model. It also puts forward the "high-yield efficient cultivation technical system" to adjust the sowing density according to the tiller, adjust the sowing time according to temperature changes and accumulated temperature, and save water and nitrogen fertilizer based on the water efficiency and nitrogen efficiency theory. Easy to operate and extend, the clearly targeted technical system cuts production costs, increases wheat production, reduces water and fertilizer application. It creates significant social and economic benefits and is important to grain production, farmers’ income, national food security, and natural resources and environmental protection. 
