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Transcription factors NAC20 and NAC26 interact with RPBF to activate albumin accumulations in rice endosperm

Wu, Ming-Wei; Liu, Jinxin; Bai, Xue; Chen, Wen-Qiang; Ren, Yulong; Liu, Jin-Lei; Chen, Meng-Meng; Zhao, Heng; Yao, Xuefeng; Zhang, Jin-Dan; Wan, Jianmin; Liu, Chun-Ming

Plant Biotechnology Journal;2023;IF 13.80



In summary, we demonstrate that NAC20/26 act redundantly, with different efficiencies, on ACG motif of Alb promoters to regulate their expressions, while RPBF functions as a cofactor to enhance NAC20/26 on transcriptions (Figure 1m). It has been reported that RPBF regulates the expressions of starch and SP genes in rice endosperms through interactions with RISBZ1, a bZIP-type TF (Kawakatsu et al., 2009). In maize, it has been showed that the RPBF orthologue of PBF functions additively with a bZIP TF O2, regulating expressions of multiple SPs (Zhang et al., 2015), and NAC128/130, maize orthologues of NAC20/26, regulate expression of SPs (Zhang et al., 2019). If PBF/RPBF function as a general cofactor, instead of specific TF, to coordinate activities of other TFs in storage product accumulations in cereal endosperms remain to be investigated. Further, since albumin is the most important allergenic protein in rice (Matsuda et al., 1991), the discovery of this study may provide a unique avenue to cope with the allergenic problem for rice consumers