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Diaphysis:Xinglin Ma-Institute of Crop Science of CAAS


NameXinglin Ma

Phone: 010-82108545


Research groupMaize production management

Education and Employment History:

2001 up to now: Institute of Crop Sciences , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, vice-professor(2001-2012), professor(2013 up to now),

2003-2006: Shenyang Agriculture UniversityPhD

1992-2001: Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, professor-assistant (1992-1999), vice professor(2000-2001)

1989-1992Beijing Agriculture UniversityMS

1985-1989RenQiu Agricultural School, Teacher

Scientific Interests:

Maize Hybrids Response to Environments and Its Mechanism

Major Contributions

With the increasing of plant population density, smallest leaf biomass plasticity in single plant level was found when compared with ear, stalk, and other part of the plant, and this observation could be used to explain why the risk of planting too many plants is greater than that of planting too few for most growers in maize growing regions of North China and Yellow and Huai River.

Management approach for environmental stresses tolerance, high yield and high efficiency production for high population density of spring maize was clarified. Basing on a number of field trials, we found that management aims of greater root system, stronger stalk, and larger kernel sink could be achieved simultaneously as maize planting at high plant population densities by reducing leaf source scale through a series of management practices such as using higher sink-source ratio hybrid, deep ploughing, delaying nitrogen fertilizer dressing stage, using growth regulator at V8 stage.

Research Grants

Key management technologies for environmental stresses tolerance, high yield and high efficiency production of spring maize in the middle part of northeast China, 2016YFD03006012017.7-2020.12, project leader

Selected Publications:

1. Ke Fu-lai, Ma Xing-lin* Huang Rui-dong Wang Chuan-hai and Xu An-bo. 2011. Effects of Planting Densities on Population Grain Filling Characteristics of Maize Hybrid Xianyu335. Journal of Maize Sciences Vol. 19:58-62, 66(*corresponding author)

2.Tianyu Wang, Xinglin Ma, Yu Li, Dapeng Bai, Cheng Liu, Zhizhai Liu, Xianjie Tan, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song,Mario Carlone, David Bubeck, Hans Bhardwaj, lizabeth Jones, Kevin Wright, and Stephen Smith. 2011. Changes in Yield and Yield Components of Single-Cross Maize Hybrids Released in China between 1964 and 2001. Crop Science Vol. 51:512-525(T. Wang, X. Ma, Y. Li and D. Bai contributed equally to the work)

3.Yu Li, Xinglin Ma, Tianyu Wang, Yongxiao Li, Cheng Liu, Zhizhai Liu, Baocheng Sun, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Mario Carlone, David Bubeck, Hans Bhardwaj, David Whitaker, William Wilson, Elizabeth Jones, Kevin Wright, Shuku Sun, William Niebur, and Stephen Smith. 2011. Increasing Maize Productivity in China by Planting Hybrids with Germplasm that Responds Favorably to Higher Planting Densities. Crop Science Vol. 51:2391- 2400(Y. Li, X. Ma, and T. Wang contributed equally to the work)

4.Yongxiang Li, Yu Li, Xinglin Ma, Cheng Liu, Zhizhai Liu, Xianjie Tan, Baocheng Sun, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Tianyu Wang, and Stephen Smith. 2014. Contributions of Parental Inbreds and Heterosis to Morphology and Yield of Single-Cross Maize Hybrids in China. Crop Science Vol. 54:76-88( Y. X. Li, Y. Li, and X. Ma contributed equally to the work)

5.Yong-Xiang Li, Yu Li, Xinglin Ma, Cheng Liu, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Stephen Smith and Tianyu Wang. 2016. Genetically Mediated Changes in the Grain Quality of Single-Cross Maize Hybrids Grown in China. Crop Science 56:132-142( Y. X. Li, Y. Li, and X. Ma contributed equally to the work)
